Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our value (Accomplishments only get you in)

Accomplishments get you in.

Action now and in the future keep you in.

The value I created in the past is great, sure, but what matters most is the value I'll bring to the team in the present and future.

It doesn't matter if you cured cancer in the past. That only gets you the entry into the job in the first place. It's not what's going to keep you on the team now and in the future. You have to create new value for the team every day.

And, isn't it really more fun to bring your best every day anyway?

Reflect on those few "queen bees" (of any gender) you've worked with, who keep things "too close to their chest", and become, happily for them (but resented by everyone else), bottlenecks in an organization. They think this gives them power and job security. On the contrary, this is the first person everyone on the team usually wants to get rid of. Always make sure you're contributing NOW.

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