Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK: Courage & Justice

On Martin Luther King Jr.'s holiday, let's reflect briefly on just one of his many things he did so well that we could apply today.

In addition to his strong vision & charisma, MLK Jr had was defined by extraordinary courage and justice.

Today, where do team leaders most often need a reminder to summon their courage and increase justice?  Often, it's when they are not holding their team members accountable enough, out of fear of conflict.

When someone is properly held accountable, their individual performance and engagement increases, and you satisfy the teammates innate hunger for justice. 

It's not just the manager's job to hold people accountable. In fact, it's often a better sign of team health when there is peer-accountability.  

So, whether you are the team-leader, or a peer, please do summon the courage to increase justice in your team.  It has great rewards.

But, before you embark on a very difficult conversation, I recommend you help make it easier, with far less hazards, by reading the short tips on feedback pre-conditions, SBIR, and be mindful not to lead by force.

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